Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wedding Job Part II

This is an update on the finished products that were used for the wedding. I had to make 13 corsages with 3 different designs, and I had to make 9 boutonnieres with 3 different designs.  Essentially, I cam home from school, and sat at my kitchen table to start cutting and gluing flowers together.  It was about a 6 hour job. My hands got so much glue, that the next day when I was taking a Chem test I was still picking at the glue.

Mom for weeks confidently told me that it would be simple and quick job since she would be helping. I always gave her a look of incredulity.  When the moment of truth came, out of the 23 things I had to make, she only made 4.  Big help she was....Well, we got the job done and I've decided that I will make a terrible florist.  Terrible! I had zero patience by the time I got to making the boutonnieres. The whole family had to sit at the kitchen table and tell each other jokes to keep my sanity. <3 my parents.

Well here are the completed works:

The bride's corsage:

Top: The Bridesmaid corsage.

Right: The Relative's corsage.

Material: Phalaenopsis orchid, plumosa leaf, and...forgot what the accent flowers were called.

Bottom: Groom's boutonniere.

Materials: dendrobium orchid. 

Bottom Left: Groomsmen.

Last: Male relatives.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wedding Job Part I

I've been hired to make corsages and boutonnieres for a wedding after my Junior prom post.
At the nagging of my mom, I've finally found time to take a pictures of the orchids that are to be used and the overall design of the corsages and boutonnieres.

Dendrobium Orchid: for the boutonnieres

Phalaenopsis Orchid: for the corsages

Designs...might change