My Masdevallia |
Temperature: They love it when the temperature is around 70 degrees during the day and cool to about 50 degrees at night. Still, they're fighters. They can tolerate 80 -85 degree temperatures, if humidity and shade is given, for at most four days. They won't like it, but they'll tolerate it. Keep it cool!
My Fish Tank Set-up |
Light: I grow them in an East window. Still, they'll do as well with a west window, but I find growing in a west window makes it a little more difficult to keep the orchid cool. So, I usually grow them in a west window during the winter. They like a bit of shade, so I grow them wayyyyyy in the back behind my larger orchids. They are just fine and dandy.
Watering: I water my orchids once a week because they're in a three inch plastic pot with sphagmum moss. They should be kept moist! I once lost two leaves because I forgot to water it for a day. Like any orchid, they'll die of root rot if watered too much. So keep them moist.
Repotting: I hate repotting masdevallias. Still, we have to do it because masdevallias love fresh medium. I always re-pot my masdevallias in the spring where I see fresh roots overflowing the top. Use sphgamum moss if you can only water the plant once a week or live in a dry area. Use a fine bark if you have time to water the plant twice a week (for fresh bark medium) or once a week (for older bark) or live in a humid area. Be careful of the fragile roots of the masdevallias. My heart sank every time I accidentally broke a light green root-tip, but it is unavoidable. Still, masdevallias are strong and can take a beating if you give them a nice rest period. The last time I repotted my masdevallia, it took me about 2 hrs using tweezers to pull away the sphagmum moss to repot was torture.
Little Masdevallia Spike |