Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blooming Neofinetia Falcata :D

My Neos are finally blooming! They are so small but so elegant.  Though they lack in color, they make it up with their heavenly smell of jasmine and vanilla at night.  On breezy nights, I can smell their aroma from five feet away.  
Neofinetia falcata Amami- Furan
These beauties are from the Santa Barbara International Orchid Fair from a Japanese provider called "Seed Engei".  The owner has been growing Neos for over 20 years.  One is potted in the traditional Japanese mound style and the other is just potted in sphagnum moss.

The white one is the Neofinetia Falcata Amami-Furan which is larger than the pink Neo.  Also the white Neo is cheaper than the pink Neo because it is very common.  The pink Neo is the Neofinetia Falcata Shutennou; despite its size, its smell is as strong as the larger white neo.    

Neo. Fal. Amami- Furan
Neofenetia Falcata Shutennou

Neo. Fal. Shutennou

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