Friday, August 31, 2012

THE Headache

My miltoniopsis maui mist "golden gate" is a pain in the butt to grow.  After it finished blooming, I discovered that only the top layer of roots was alive while the bottom  mass of roots in the pot had dessicated and died. I sheared off all of the dead roots, potted it in bark, placed it in a warm and humid place, and prayed to the orchid gods for it to grow new roots. 
.....a month later.....
the remaining bottom roots died, but the very top roots started to grow little five centimeter roots and the new growth had a spike. yay! Still...there's barely any roots and I have to water it 2 times a week which I don't have the time for.  So I have put it in semi-hydroponics to help it remain constantly moist and put it in a clear plastic pot so the morning sun can create a greenhouse environment for the roots to grow better.  Also, I noticed a new growth peeking out through one of the older pseudo-bulbs.  I think I might have to cut the beautiful spike for the plant to focus more on root growth.  Sigh....Wish me luck!

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