Sunday, March 10, 2013

Repotting Neofinetia Falcata

Taking a break from AP stats homework (I officially hate doing hypothesis testing and confidence intervals).
Anyways, this weekend I finally decided to repot my neos in the traditional Japanese mound style.  It took me several tries and lots of sphagnum moss, but I personally think that they turned out well.

a good tutorial could found on youtube. I'll post the link: Neofinetia Falcata Repotting
Neofinetia Falcata Amami- Furan
The Neo Amami- Furan had tons of good roots and tons of rotted roots.  There's new leaves growing, but no new fans.  Hopefully I can get some blooms later in the spring or early summer.

Now the sad news...
Neofinetia Falcata Shutennou
This little guy suffered a lot during the winter.  The instructions online said that neos like a cool, dry winter rest.  Well, the cool, dry winter rest cost me two fans and several good roots.  Note for next year: water when the sphag moss dries out. 

At least now it has recovered and is giving me two new fans and two new roots.

 Sooooo excited!!!!!

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